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In general, systemic imbalance in pay between men and women is well established, but the literature on pay imbalance is mixed for nonprofit executives. Difference in organizational size could be a relevant factor in explaining pay imbalance, as previous research suggests average female nonprofit executives lead smaller organizations. The present study examines the role of governance accreditation on the gender gap in chief executive pay, using a 2 × 2 analysis of covariance to control for organizational size (as measured by annual revenue) when comparing samples of accredited and nonaccredited organizations in South Florida. We found a wage gap for gender, with female executives averaging 12% less compensation than male executives, after controlling for organizational size. No significant effect was found for accreditation; although the only significant difference between genders was in the nonaccredited sample, the findings hint that any trend towards pay equity would be due to a pattern of the male executives in the accredited sample being paid less than their counterparts in nonaccredited organizations.  相似文献   
Whether participation in active labour market programmes (ALMPs) pushes individuals back into employment depends on the programme's characteristics. On the basis of encompassing registry data that allow us to control for usually unobserved employability, we find evidence of a systematic access bias whereby jobcentre caseworkers in Switzerland assign unemployed persons to activation measures based on a competition logic that is mainly driven by an economic rationale and the jobcentre's performance evaluation. This practice seems problematic because it results in an overrepresentation of immigrants in measures with little efficacy rather than in measures that could compensate for employability disadvantages. Conversely, Swiss citizens are more likely to enter beneficial human-capital-intensive measures. It is plausible that this discrepancy in programme participation amplifies the general labour market disadvantages of immigrants.  相似文献   
李晏  李鑫 《山东工会论坛》2020,26(1):67-71,77
劳务派遣作为一种灵活的用工形式,受到我国各类用人单位的青睐和广泛运用。2013年《劳动合同法》修订弥补了我国劳务派遣制度上的不足,但由于起步时间较晚,加上制度的复杂性,存在工伤赔偿制度的责任划分不清晰、工伤保险待遇先行支付具体操作存在困难、异地劳务派遣工伤保险制度执行不明确等方面的问题。我国需要从确立《劳动合同法》中派遣单位与用工单位的具体责任分担制度、完善劳务派遣工伤待遇先行支付规定、明确异地保险制度相关规定等方面入手,进一步完善工伤保险制度在劳务派遣用工中的适用,有效保护被派遣劳动者的合法权益。  相似文献   
马克思从揭示人类社会发展规律的角度,通过对世界上第一次出现的无产阶级政权——巴黎公社的分析和总结,阐述了科学社会主义政权建设理论,提出了一些基本政治原则。他指出:建立一个真正的人民国家是无产阶级专政的基础和前提;以责任制廉价政府代替官僚等级制政府是其主要形式;以议行合一原则取代分权制衡原则的权力分配形式可以保证国家机构的政治效能。中国共产党在长期执政实践中积累了丰富的执政经验,党的十九大提出中国特色社会主义已进入新时代。在此契机下重新研读马克思经典著作,对认识和把握中国共产党执政新飞跃、实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化有着重大现实意义。  相似文献   
在现行司法实践中,我国对生态环境损害之救济采取的是生态环境损害赔偿诉讼与环境公益诉讼并行的"双轨制"模式.通过分析典型案件可以发现,现行立法未能为化解生态环境损害赔偿诉讼与环境公益诉讼之间的制度"碰撞"提供明确的规范指南,导致"两诉"之间时常会陷入管辖冲突与衔接困境.生态环境损害赔偿诉讼的模糊属性以及相关立法规定的缺失,是导致"两诉"衔接陷入困境之根由.为此,应当在准确识别生态环境损害赔偿诉讼性质之前提下,通过立法对"两诉"之间的顺位规则、索赔主体机制等核心规范予以明确.具体而言,未来我国应当明确生态环境损害赔偿诉讼优于环境公益诉讼的顺位规则,并建立"行政机关—环保组织—检察机关"三位一体且逐层递进的索赔主体结构,最大程度发挥"两诉"之制度合力.  相似文献   

The implosion of popular struggles against the erosion of economic and democratic rights in the Middle East has thrown into sharp relief the co-constitutive character of neoliberal reforms and authoritarian state practices. This article zooms in on this relationship, and traces the consolidation of a core component of authoritarian statisms by examining how the ruling AKP government in Turkey has facilitated executive centralization. This process refers to a form of state restructuring whereby key decision-making powers are increasingly concentrated in the hands of the central government while democratic avenues to contest government policies are curtailed through legal and administrative reforms, and the marginalization of dissident social forces. I unpack the mechanisms of executive centralization in Turkey by exploring the transformation of urban governance under AKP rule, which has promoted a spectacular degree of state-led commodification of land and housing while simultaneously recentralizing key decision-making powers. The investigation demonstrates that executive centralization in urban governance has paved the way for the swift implementation of contested urban transformation projects marked by a non-participatory approach to urban ‘renewal’, the reconfiguration of the state’s redistributive function vis-à-vis low-income households, and a tendency to exacerbate existing patterns of inequalities in the housing market.  相似文献   
如何防范公司违规、保护投资者利益是资本市场研究的热点问题。以2010-2017年沪深两地A股2853家上市公司为研究样本,基于部分可观测的Bivariate Probit模型的实证结果显示:公司所在地区的社会信任水平越高,其违规倾向越低,被违规稽查的概率则越高;进一步研究发现,风险喜好型高管会降低社会信任对公司违规倾向的抑制作用,并在一定程度上强化了社会信任对公司违规稽查的影响力度;此外,相较于信息披露违规,社会信任对经营违规倾向的抑制作用更为显著,并且更为有效地提高了经营违规被稽查的概率。  相似文献   
关系交易作为中国企业间交易的典型模式,其对代理成本产生的影响尚不明确。以2012—2018年沪深A股上市公司为样本,研究了供应商—客户关系对企业代理成本的影响。研究发现,关系型交易与两类代理成本均呈显著的U型关系。即在关系型交易初期,随着关系型交易的深入,两类代理成本均有所降低;但随着关系型交易深入的程度超过拐点,两类代理成本会上升。进一步研究发现,高管持股会正向调节关系交易与第一类代理成本之间的关系,但对第二类代理成本的调节作用不显著。供应商—客户关系与代理成本之间的关系,为合作双方适度把握关系型交易的深度与频率,最大程度地发挥关系型交易的优势作用提供了经验证据。企业要认识到高管持股对代理成本的影响,充分发挥其对第一类代理成本的抑制作用。  相似文献   
文章选取2013—2018年A股共计1221家制造业上市企业的数据为研究样本,实证检验了高管薪酬激励、战略差异与企业研发投入的关系。研究发现:高管薪酬激励、战略差异都能显著促进企业研发投入;战略差异能够显著抑制高管薪酬激励对企业研发投入的促进作用。文章不仅丰富了高管薪酬的研究,还为制定企业战略,加大创新力度提供了参考,同时也丰富了企业研发投入影响因素的研究。  相似文献   
留用地是扶持被征地农民发展集体经济的一项安置措施,在近二十年的征地拆迁工作中发挥了积极的作用。但由于留用地提留比例高居不下,地方政府按净用地兑现留用地指标后,用于城市发展平台和基础设施建设的用地所剩无几。在城市外围区,承担着中心城区转出产业、功能和人口的重任,新增建设用地需求巨大,居住用地供给不足,但却存在着大量的留用地低效、闲置使用,供需矛盾突出。同时,留用地政策的种种规定,不可避免地使留用地使用与城市规划发生矛盾,造成留用地无法兑现落地。因此,需要进一步解放思想,探索新型留用地出让、开发的模式,把留用地的潜能给释放出来,以弥补居住用地的需求,并帮助农村集体按城市规划获得长久升值的收益,以达到农村、市场、政府多方共赢。本文以广州市外围区为例,对新型留用地开发模式进行分析,提出优化模式探讨,并提出政策支撑的方向,为土地管理者提供参考。  相似文献   
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